Quick Fixes to get you out the Stress Trap

When your feeling stressed and tired, the last thing you need is more things to do or think about. But life happens and it’s your reaction that counts. So if you can increase your energy levels, achieve a calmer state of mind and build up a greater resilience, then you’ll be better equipped to deal…

Can a Fitness Tracker help you lose weight?

Get on the right track!! Fitness trackers are wearable instruments that can calculate everything from steps taken to calories burned to amount and quality of sleep achieved each night. But just exactly how can they help you lose weight? Fitness trackers keep you honest – They record everything and track the amount of activity you…

Are You Eating on Autopilot

Its tempting when your on a mission to look and feel good to go for a quick fix. There are any number of meal replacement options out there, such as diet shakes, powders and pills, intensive detox and fasting programmes and eliminating foods has now become the new normal! But its still unnecessary in many cases.…

Can BCAA Increase Fat Loss?

 BCAAs, or branched-chain amino acids, are three essential amino acids with a special branched structure (hence the name) – leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs can make up one third of skeletal muscle, of which leucine appears to be the main player in most of the benefits seen from BCAA consumption. When on a very low…

Are you Adrenaline Dominant?

An estimated 1 in 3 people in Britain are over-producing adrenal hormones as a consequence of 21st century living. One in five take time off work because of stress. Adrenal hormones are the body’s way of giving instant energy- part of the ‘fight or flight’ system to enable our hunter ancestors to catch dinner or…

Coaching Clients for Weight Loss

The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) includes the following research. The information in the database represents a longitudinal, prospective study of more than 4000 adults aged 18 or older who have successfully lost at least 30 pounds and have maintained the loss for more than one year. The NWCR has dual purpose: to identify a…