Can a Fitness Tracker help you lose weight?

Fitness Trackers 1

Get on the right track!!

Fitness trackers are wearable instruments that can calculate everything from steps taken to calories burned to amount and quality of sleep achieved each night. But just exactly how can they help you lose weight?

Fitness trackers keep you honest – They record everything and track the amount of activity you do or don’t! This information can be motivational to some and it may cause you to park the car farther from the entrance, take the stairs at work, or get in an extra day at the gym. It keeps you more mindful of the day’s activity level and that can be the first step to losing weight and getting in shape.

They Make you Pay Attention to Your Sleep – Scientific literature shows if we sleep poorly or not enough, hormones like cortisol are more likely to be produced, which in turn increases cravings and causes us to eat more. If you have a device that only stays on top of your steps or calorie intake, consider upgrading to one that focuses on sleep quality, too. Or, if you want to keep your current tracker, make sure to prioritise shuteye otherwise, you could be derailing your weight-loss efforts.

They Get You on The Move Every Hour- Some experts think obesity is more prevalent now because we don’t burn as many calories in our daily lives—not because we’re slacking on actual exercise. Of course you should focus on big energy expenditures like your post-work run or morning gym session, but you should also maximise the little opportunities throughout your day to keep moving. If your fitness tracker has an idle alert that nudges you to get going, even better.

When they first came out I was skeptical and thought I knew how active I was until I tried one, and now I’m hooked! When I first got one I set my daily goal at 10 000 steps and when I started to achieve that on most days I took it up by 500 and now I’m up to 14 000 steps.

Do you wear a fitness tracker and how has it helped and motivated your weight loss goals or not?

Healthy regards,


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